Sunday, January 6, 2013

AdvoCare you better work wonders!

AdvoCare is a 24 Day Challenge about losing weight, toning up, and cleansing your body. You are suck to endure a strike diet consisting of lean meats, veggies, fruits, healthy fats and the prescribed shakes, pills, and sparks drinks. This is treating you a life style change in your eating habits. That you need to treat your body right and fuel it not put crap in it. I am only on the third day of the challenge and even though my body feels good I must admit its hard eating healthy. Preparing food and having limited options are not easy to deal with. At least I have my mom going through the challenge with me, so that helps when you have someone feeling your "pain." Put I am going to push through and make it! With us lots and I will be back with updates!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Out with the old, in with the new

Day 3 of the new year, and I realized if I really want to enjoy this year then I need to move on from the past. That means throwing out the old in order to bring in the new. I need to cleanse myself of some things. This means it is time to through out some old stuff I have been holding on to. So today I will take a final look in my little box hidden in the back of my closet. Remember all the good memories from the items, but keep in mind the lessons I have learned attached to them as well. Then it is time to say goodbye and finally throw them out. I know it will be hard, but I will help me. I hope that if your reading this and have anything holding you back some that you can do this and liberate yourself. Wish me luck!

- S

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Day 2

So it's 2013 And I spent my first day of the year deciding what the best possible resolution would be for this new year. I was thinking thinking an thinking and couldn't come up with one good thing I would like to do. Then I started thinking about all the amazing things I already have planned for this year. Such as traveling to the study of broad in Spain in the fall and turning 21 then getting to go to Vegas. Thinking about these things made me decide that my resolution is going to be just to enjoy this year to the fullest. I know it sounds very bland, in general and basic but it's definitely going to be my goal. Every day I want to be able to know went through it with a smile on my face and had some good laughing fun moments. So 2013 watch out here I come! First stop today is with my grandparents were headed to a air show, hopefully I can see a cute pilot. 


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Kid again please!

Today I was out thanksgiving food shopping with my mom and with it being the holiday season it makes me want to be a kid again!

Ciao lovely followers and have a great turkey day,

Monday, November 19, 2012

Crossfit Games

Over the summer I had started going to crossfit classes at the crossfit gym by my house, but haven't gotten to go very much anymore since I started school. This weekend though I was able to go watch the crossfit games that happened at the gym I went to. For those of you that don't know what crossfit is,

"CrossFit describes its strength and conditioning program as “constantly varied, high intensity, functional movement," with the stated goal of improving fitness (and therefore general physical preparedness), which it defines as "work capacity across broad time and modal domains."
Workouts are typically short—20 minutes or less—and intense, demanding all-out physical exertion. They combine movements such as sprintingrowingjumping rope, climbing rope, flipping tires, weightlifting, carrying heavy objects, and many bodyweight exercises; equipment used includes barbellsdumbbellsgymnastics ringspull-up barskettlebellsmedicine balls, and boxes for box jumps."

Check out these photos and videos I took while at the crossfit games this weekend. They can definitely motivate you to  workout, especially since the new year is coming. Start a resolution to get fit and maybe crossfit!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Hello Boys!

I am so sad that the Twilight Series if officially over. Throughout the past several years I have attended the midnight premier for this saga series. Last night I attended the final movie in the sequel, Breaking Dawn Part 2, and it is definitely my favorite one of all! The fight scenes were amazing and Edwards and Bella's love story finally finished with a happy ended. I wish they would have added about another 1 hr 1/2 worth of film, but it was still amazing! I will miss you Twilight, next series I can't wait for is Fifty Shades of Grey, which will be EPIC!!!

Ciao followers and twihards,


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Halloween: Loofa!

This year for Halloween my friend came up with the great idea of being a Loofa! 

To create these costumes, we bought about 24 yards of Tull and it into squares. Then we twisted each piece and safety pinned them to two separate spandex pieces, a spandex bottom and and bando top. Then take a rope and tie it around your waist as the string that loofas hang from. Super easy and a fun to create with friends. 

We ended up walking down Mill Ave in our costumes on Halloween and had so much fun, check out the pictures!

Well Ciao my lovely followers,